【Major points】
  1. When preparing warm water, put cold water first then hot water while adjusting water temperature. The skin surface of wrist inner area can be used to test water temperature to check whether it is appropriate.
  2. Each sitz bath session should last around 5 minutes at least four times a day or execute after pooping.
  3. Please stop sitz bath if any discomforts occur, such as dizziness and nausea.
Purposes of sitz bath:
  1. To promote perineal wound healing and increase local blood circulation.
  2. To decrease perineum swelling, edema, pain and increase local blood circulation. 
  3. To relax internal anal sphincter and relieve pain.
Indications of sitz bath:
  1. 24 hours after vaginal delivery. (Do not wait until the lochia is completely drained to start warm sitz bath.)
  2. Women with increased vaginal discharge.
  3. Episiotomy wound or perineal laceration.
  4. Stimulated by internal or external hemorrhoids.
Steps of sitz bath
  1. Prepare an appropriate bath pot and a stable shelf that the pot can be put on. (or replace with a solid and stable bench)
  2. Prepare warm water, the temperature around 41-43°C (105-110°F), and fill the water to eighty percent of the container.
  3. Clean your perineum area with warm water first, sit into the pot, then cover the episiotomy wound and anus.
  4. Each sitz bath session should last around 5 minutes, around four times a day, or execute after pooping.
Precautions for sitz bath 
  1. Put cold water first then hot water while adjusting water temperature. For avoiding burn injury, sitz bath water temperature can not be too high. The skin surface of wrist inner area can be used to test water temperature to check whether it is appropriate.
  2. Without physician’s order, no medication is required to add into water, such as iodine or soap. 
  3. Please stop sitz bath if any discomforts occur, such as dizziness and nausea.
  1. Berkowitz, L. R., & Foust-Wright, C. E.(2021). Postpartum perineal care and management of complications. UpToDate. Retrieve d Mar 15, 2022, from https://www.uptodate.com/contents/posrpartum-perineal-care-and-management-of-complications 
  2. Chandraleka, R., Dash, M. B., & Chitra, F. (2019). Effectiveness of Sitz Bath Versus Infrared Ray Therapy on Level of Episiotomy Pain and Wound Healing Among Post Natal Mothers in Selected Hospital, Puducherry. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technic al Research, 21(3), 15900-15905. https://doi.org/10.26717/BJSTR.2019.21.003605 
  3. Shirah, B. H., Shirah, H. A., Fallata, A. H., Alobidy, S. N., & Al Hawsawi, M. M. (2018). Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: Sitz bath vs. ano-rectal cream: A comparative prospective study of two conservative treatment protocols. Women and Birth, 31(4), e272-e 277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2017.10.003
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